Easy way to find a Mobile Device Active Sync Lockout in AD via Exchange Log

Use PowerShell to Find an Active Sync Device AD Lockout 

One liner - Change the server name and username

Script opens the current ActiveSync log file, finds the target username, filters only the IIS failures and pops the result into a grid to view

You should be able to identify the following 
  • the user device model causing the problem 
  • the current IP Address
  • and the mail client
Copy and paste the one-line script into PowerShell ISE, change the name of the CAS server and change the username to match your problem user account.

dir \\NAME_OF_CAS_SERVER\c$\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex$((get-date).tostring('yyMMdd')).LOG | sls "fred.username" | sls " 401 " | Out-GridView

Let me know how you get on...

Keywords: AD, Active Directory, Exchange, ActiveSync, Lockout


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