
Showing posts from January, 2019

Easy way to find a Mobile Device Active Sync Lockout in AD via Exchange Log

Use PowerShell to Find an Active Sync Device AD Lockout  One liner - Change the server name and username Script opens the current ActiveSync log file, finds the target username, filters only the IIS failures and pops the result into a grid to view You should be able to identify the following  the user device model causing the problem  the current IP Address and the mail client Copy and paste the one-line script into PowerShell ISE, change the name of the CAS server and change the username to match your problem user account. dir \\NAME_OF_CAS_SERVER\c$\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex$((get-date).tostring('yyMMdd')).LOG | sls "fred.username" | sls " 401 " | Out-GridView Let me know how you get on... Keywords: AD, Active Directory, Exchange, ActiveSync, Lockout