Hyper-V Error 15500 - Failed to Start Worker Process, 0x80070001
Virtual Machine failed to start worker process: Incorrect function. (0x80070001)
Hyper-v Server 2012 with 4 VMs. One VM running the others would not start. Error message popup when starting VM. Further in the event logs "The authorization store could not be initialized from storage location".Cause
An earlier test restore had replaced the key entry with a now redundant location.Solution
Edit registry key as below[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization]
Problem Key shows an invalid location:
"StoreLocation"="msxml://D:\\Restore Test\\Host Component\\C_\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Hyper-V\\InitialStore.xml"
Change key to correct location:
Then restart Virtual Machine Service from Hyper-V console
This was hard to find, and appeared to be triggered by BackupExec when testing restoration of a server.