Fix | It doesn't look like you're connected to the Internet - Windows 10
Windows 10 - it doesn't look like you're connected to the Internet - Microsoft Store won't open - Microsoft News will not update - Internet icon in the bottom right corner of your screen shows the yellow triangle Yet Edge, Internet explorer and Chrome still work normally. Reboot does not fix. Other messages: You'll need the Internet for this. It doesn't look like you're connected to the internet. Please check your connection and try again. 0x800704cf The Fix IPv6 has become your default internet protocol. 1. Click Start 2. Type ncpa.cpl and press Enter 3. Right click your Ethernet icon and select properties 4. Un-check Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and click Ok Why Possibly your local router has issued IPv6 addresses but this is not fully supported by your ISP.